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Life Coach

Embrace your journey; Life Coaching to become your best self.

  • 30 min
  • 75 US dollars
  • Virtual Sessions

Service Description

At Simply Put, we believe that everyone has a unique perspective on all aspects of life that matter to us, primarily influenced by our deep seated personalities. Our life coaching service is designed to help you appreciate not only the unique perspective of your personality, but also that of others, create greater understanding and tolerances, thereby influencing greater levels of communication and relationship with those around you. The predominate goal of our coaching sessions are to target on bringing about greater self-awareness and finding deeper understanding your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Beyond surface level understanding, we dig into a persons motivations, strengths, weaknesses, and values that equip you with means to better overcome challenges and adversity - creating more meaningful learning experiences and greater personal confidence. Based on your goals and objectives, we tailor our sessions to ensure you receive what is most meaningful to your personal growth and development. In building on some core competencies such as accountability, resilience, discipline, time management, communication, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness, we will work through those most important for achieving your personal goals of success.

Contact Details


Kansas City, MO, USA

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