Attitude is a mind-set and it lets others know where you are coming from. It is the way you look at things mentally and how you communicate that to others; thereby, your "attitude" is determined by those around you. Attitude is defined by others on the basis of three things, the stimulus, the gap, and the response. The stimulus is what happened, or what was said. The gap is the period of time in which we create thoughts about the stimulus, ultimately shaping our response, or how we react to the stimulus. The gap is the greatest moment within the context of this formula...It is where the determination between positive or negative meaning is attached. In this moment, when considerable, meaningful reflection is made, you have the power to shift your mindset and response, ultimately defining the attitude you will be labeled with. To shift your mindset, ask yourself the following:
How would you have liked it if you were on the other side? (gains perspective)
In 6 months, will this be a big deal? (helps to seek logic rather than emotion)
How can I grow from this? (gains greater self-awareness)
Attitude is a reflection of leadership, attitude is everything!